Quel avenir pour le bien-vivre-ensemble au Moyen-Orient?

With the collaboration of St Joseph University and l'Institut Français, Beirut Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) organized a two-day conference in Beirut, on November 5th - 7th, 2013.

The conference was titled "Quel avenir pour le bien-vivre-ensemble au Moyen-Orient? - Managing ethno-religious plurality in the light of Arab revolutions".

The conference is part of a research program initiated by BRIC on the diversity and plurality of ethnicity and religion in the Middle East in all its aspects. In addition, the program aims to explore how young governments born from Arab revolutions will tackle the issue of citizenship in a pluralist system.

Some of the issues that were discussed at the conference include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Is there room for diversity (tanawu') and for ethnic, linguistic and religious plurality (ta'adudiyya) in a region that has been shaken by political violence for decades?
  2. What does the future look like for those communities increasingly weakened by radicalization and political and religious extremism?
  3. Can the hope brought by Arab social revolutions have a positive impact on the "minorities" in the region?

Hassan Ghaziri

Director of Beirut Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) (Lebanon)

Père Salim Daccache

Rector of the Université Saint-Joseph (Lebanon)

Carine Lahoud-Tatar

Senior Researcher (Lebanon)

Carla Eddé

Head of Department of History - International Relations, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Saint-Joseph University (Lebanon)

Gilbert Achcar

Professeur, The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London (Grande-Bretagne)

Georges Corm

Former finance minister, economist, historian, professor at the Université Saint-Joseph (Lebanon)

Henry Laurens

Professor at the Collège de France, holder of the Chair of Contemporary History of the Arab world (France)

Amr Shalakany

Lawyer, American University of Cairo (Egypt)

Selim El-Sayegh

Former Minister of Social Affairs, Legal, University Paris-Sud 11 (Lebanon)

Yves Besson

Former Swiss diplomat, vice-president of the Swiss Association for Euro-Arab-Muslim dialogue (ASDEAM) (Switzerland)

Ahmad Benani

Political Scientist, University of Lausanne (Switzerland)

Rachid Benzine

Associate Researcher at the Centre of Religious Institute of Political Studies in Aix-en-Provence (France)

Vincent Geisser

Researcher, French Institute for the Near East (Lebanon)

Georges Casmoussa

Old Syriac Archbishop of Mosul (Lebanon)

Ahmed Zaghloul

Intellectual Egyptian (Egypt)

Stéphane Lacroix

Political Scientist, Institute of Political Studies of Paris (France)

Nicolas Dot-Pouillard

Researcher, French Institute for the Near East (Lebanon)

Réda Benkirane

Sociologue, ASDEAM, center Jacques Berque, Rabat (Maroc)

Rougier Bernard

Director of Studies and Documentation Centre Economic, Legal and Social Cairo - CEDEJ (Egypt)

Gilles Kepel

University Professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, appointed to the Institut Universitaire de France (France)