Seminar on Collaborative Innovation – Universities, Enterprises and Capital Risk

Under the auspices of the Minister of Education and Higher Education, the seminar was jointly organized by the Université Libano-Française (ULF) and the Beirut Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) and in collaboration with the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). The seminar was also supported by the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon and the French Institute of Lebanon.

Innovation has become an essential lever of national and economic competitiveness. Collaborative innovation is an alternative way of bringing together players from different sectors and know-how from different horizons, while limiting costs and spreading risks. However, this type of approach requires the adoption of an open, transparent and de-compartmentalized culture, while guaranteeing intellectual property rights.

In France, collaborative innovation benefits from the support of the State through various mechanisms. What about Lebanon? Is its socio-political context conducive to the development of these collaborations?

Lebanon is endowed with a few incubators, accelerators, fabrication labs (Fab Labs), timid links between universities and companies (often through individuals), an innovative embryonic research infrastructure and a timid culture of respect for intellectual property. In this context, how can collaborative innovation be implemented and promoted?

The objective of this seminar was to examine the opportunity of collaborative innovation to enable the Lebanese ecosystem to overcome its weaknesses and inadequacies, to boost innovation in a sustainable manner and to anchor it in the economic landscape.

Opening Speeches

Conference Content

At the Heart of Economic Transformation: Collaborative Innovation - A Strategic Vision


Dr. Hassan Ghaziri

Collaborative Innovation: A new paradigm for the Lebanese ecosystem?
Presented by Dr. Hassan Ghaziri, Director of the Beirut Research and Innovation Center (BRIC)

Sylvie Cogneau

Le financement par BPIFrance (Banque Publique d’Investissement) des projets collaboratifs. L'exemple des Pôles de compétitivité en France Presented by Sylvie Cogneau, Innovation Development Manager, International and University Division, BPIFrance


Pôle Chimie Balard

Un exemple de Pôle Intégré: Enseignement, Recherche et Développement Economique
Presented by Michel Averous, President of the Pôle Chimie Balard from 2007 to 2013 (Institut Carnot), Honorary Professor at the Université de Montpellier


First Round Table - Financial and Legal Mechanisms to Support Collaborative Innovation

Peut-on innover à plusieurs? Quelle place pour l’innovation dans les relations industriel-entrepreneur-universitaire-banquier? Comment concilier coopération, confidentialité et propriété intellectuelle? Quels sont les risques?

Moderated by Sybille Rizk, Editor-in-Chief of Commerce du Levant Panel:

  • Sylvie Cogneau, Innovation Development Manager, International and University Division, BPIFrance
  • Charbel Nassar, Lecturer at the Lebanese University, Attorney-at-Law, Chairman of the Intellectual Property Committee at the Lebanese Bar Association
  • Salam Yamout, Internet Society, Regional Director for the Middle East
  • Samir Nahhas, Tripoli Special Economic Zone


Second Round Table - Collaborative Spaces, Levers of Collaborative Innovation?

Qu'est-ce que l'innovation collaborative? Pourquoi rencontre-t-elle un succès grandissant? Quelle structure choisir pour développer un projet commun avec une autre entité?

Moderated by Dr. Hassan Ghaziri, Director of BRIC Panel:

  • Krystel Khalil, Head of Communication and Outreach, Expert in Open and Social Innovation, Berytech
  • Ahmad Al Rafhi, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the ULF
  • Halim Chouéri, Co-founder and Manager of Hbr S.A.R.L Creative Platform
  • Gihad Bitar, Responsable of Smart ESA