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December 9, 2020“A Virtual Reality Environment for the Indoor Training of Deminers” is a project proposed by BRIC and undertaken by 3 AUB final-year Computer and Communications Engineering students Lynn Al-Khansa, Elias Bou Saada and Rachid Maalouf. The students worked under the supervision of Prof. Ali El-Hajj (AUB) and Dr. Mohammed Al-Husseini (BRIC). [...] Read more...
April 16, 2019Demining Robot Made in Lebanon by BRIC [...] Read more...
February 8, 2019BRIC on leading edge of affordable, humanitarian de-mining technology with real-time monitoring system and virtual reality training program [...] Read more...
November 28, 2018The Beirut research and Innovation Center (BRIC) congratulates Dr. Walid Al-Banna for winning the first prize in the 10h Season of the Stars Of Science competition for his NeuroCam invention. BRIC is proud to have been an integral part of this success. BRIC’s Prof. Hassan Ghaziri and Dr. Mohammed Baydoun were on Dr. Walid’s team and provided both mentoring and technical support (video and image processing) for his project. [...] Read more...
November 23, 2018WCC 2018 organized in partnership with Emirates Cardiac Society and the Gulf Heart Association is the global platform to discuss the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease. Our scientific sessions attracts professional attendees from more than 110 countries. With a focus not only on ‘cardiology’ but also on ‘cardiovascular health’, colleagues from the fields of prevention, pediatrics, nursing, internal medicine, interventional medicine, nephrology, endocrinology and public health are encouraged to join these networking and learning forums. [...] Read more...
November 1, 2018REDEC 2018 is a specific scientific conference that helps in finding innovative and adequate solutions for energy saving and production in developing countries. During the first REDEC 2012, the second REDEC 2014 and the third REDEC 2016 conferences [...] Read more...
April 25, 2018This year, BRIC participated in the SmartEx exhibition that was held from April 25-28, 2018, at the Forum De Beyrouth. As an exhibitor this year, BRIC showcased its latest work in technological innovation, as well as social development [...] Read more...
April 18, 2018MENACOMM (Middle East & North Africa COMMunications) Conference 2018 was organized by IEEE Communications Society – Lebanon Chapter and Holy Spirit University of Kaslik – USEK in collaboration with IEEE Communications Society – Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia Chapters. The objective of MENACOMM Conference 2018 was to bring together researchers from academic institutions and industry from all over the world. Dr. Mohammed Husseini was a member of the organizing committee of MENACOMM 2018 [...] Read more...
March 13, 2018An MoU was signed on March 13, 2018 between BRIC Director Dr. Hassan Ghaziri and the National Center for Remote Sensing, represented by the director of CNRS-L, Dr. Ghaleb Faour. The MoU will formalize the relationship between the two institutions for sharing expertise, data, human resources and researchers to develop and implement projects on energy, water, and climate challenges, in addition to other technological projects of common interest. [...] Read more...
February 22, 2018A delegation from the Swiss Parliament including Montreux Mayor Laurent Wehrli, Deputy Ambassador of Switzerland to Lebanon Elizabeth Galen, and National Program Support Officer Maria Abdel Rahman, met with the Women’s Coalition for Tripoli at their Center in Tripoli, in the presence of the President of the Lebanese Center for Studies and Research, Dr. Hassan El-Gaziri, Deputy Director Mohamed Minkara, Engineer Bara Shiboub and members of the Women’s Coalition for Tripoli such as the Director of Educational Programs Maha al-Fadel, Motiaa El Hallak, Safa Sobha and Rawaa El Soufi. [...] Read more...
September 12, 2017SENSET2017 is the first International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart and Emerging Technologies. It is a multi-track event that will be held between Tuesday 12 September and Thursday 14 September 2017 in Lebanon [...] Read more...
February 22, 2017In the U.S., federal funding for research and development (R&D) – which represents about 2% of GDP expenditures – has been key to the development of some of today’s most disruptive technologies, including smartphones and autonomous vehicles. In MENA, funding for R&D has been increasing in some countries like UAE (e.g. space programs), Saudi (e.g. renewable energy), and Qatar (e.g. technology for impaired accessibility) but remaining stagnant in others. And while the number of investors in MENA’s tech startups grows, they are still somewhat skeptical of the prospects for unique disruptive technologies that can come out of the market with such scarce funding for R&D. [...] Read more...
February 17, 2017Under the auspices of the Minister of Education and Higher Education, the seminar was jointly organized by the Université Libano-Française (ULF) and the Beirut Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) and in collaboration with the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). The seminar was also supported by the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon and the French Institute of Lebanon. Innovation has become an essential lever of national and economic competitiveness. Collaborative innovation is an alternative way of bringing together players from different sectors and know-how from different horizons, while limiting costs and spreading risks. However, this type of approach requires the adoption of an open, transparent and de-compartmentalized culture, while guaranteeing intellectual property rights. [...] Read more...
September 20, 2016The Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation. MECAP’16 will be in Beirut on (Sept. 20, 21, 22) [...] Read more...
March 30, 2016EEG-Based Analysis of Cortical Connectivity in Alzheimer’s Disease [...] Read more...
March 10, 2016This introductory workshop provided an opportunity to explore the capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics [...] Read more...
November 5, 2013With the collaboration of St Joseph University and l’Institut Français, Beirut Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) organized a two-day conference in Beirut, on November 5th – 7th, 2013. [...] Read more...
June 29, 2013On Saturday June 29th, 2013, BRIC organized a meeting in Tripoli at the Naufal Palace to assess the problems faced by Syrian refugee students and to discuss the possible solutions for these problems. All involved parties such as international and Lebanese organizations, the government and representatives of Syrian Education Commission were present at the meeting. [...] Read more...
May 24, 2013On Friday May 24th, 2013, BRIC celebrated the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Lebanon Mine Action Center (LMAC) of the Lebanese Army, marking the launch of a partnership on the Humanitarian Demining Research Program (HDRP). [...] Read more...
May 9, 2013Under the Patronage of H.E. Mr. Gibran Bassil, Minister of Energy and Water, La Sagesse University (Faculty of Political Science and IR), and alongside BRIC held a conference titled “Oil resources in Lebanon – Challenges and Prospects” at Sagesse University, Firn El Chebbak on May 9th, 2013. Conference Attendees included a large audience of experts, media and students. [...] Read more...